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Personal Safety Trainers aim is to keep people safe by providing tailored Personal Safety,  Lone Worker, De-escalation and Self Defence training.

We also provide First Aid for Mental Health training to support employees in the workplace and signpost to professional help.

Based at Derby in the East Midlands and training online or in-house throughout the UK

Who are Personal Safety Trainers?

Benefits of Personal Safety, Lone Worker & De-escalation Training

Benefits of Breakaway & Self Defence Training

  • Break free from grabs and holds

  • Safely defend yourself or a colleague

Benefits of First Aid For Mental Health Training

  • Recognise mental health conditions and signpost people to professional help.

  • Enable quicker recovery and prevent long term illness and absence.

  • Increased risk awareness, safety and confidence when dealing with situations.

  • Reduced incidents, injuries and litigation.

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