Violence & Aggression De-escalation & Conflict Management Training
Tailored online & in-house effective Violence & Aggression De-escalation & Conflict Management courses, with the aim of preventing incidents, injuries and litigation. Learn how to recognise early warning signs and control the situation to avoid it escalating into physical violence.
Violence & Aggression De-escalation Training
Violence & Aggression - early warning signs and de-escalation strategies to prevent a physical situation.
Common causes - understanding the triggers of violence and aggression.
Verbal Abuse - what to do when experiencing verbal abuse.
The Assault Cycle - phases of an assault and the pattern of behaviour throughout the cycle.
Personal Safety Alarms & Apps - types available, functions and how they can help during an assault.
Incidents - reporting, analysing, sharing, measures required to prevent, aftercare and support.
Conflict Management Training
Conflict Resolution - strategies to manage and resolve conflict effectively including negotiation skills.
Identify Triggers - recognise factors that cause conflict.
Verbal Abuse - what to do when experiencing verbal abuse.
Conflict Cycle - how attitude and behaviour affects the other person and vice versa, creating an escalating cycle.
Verbal & Non-Verbal Communication - appropriate body language, tone of voice, words and personal space.
Resolution Review - how to ensure the conflict is resolved.
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