Personal Safety and Lone Worker Training
The contents and duration of the engaging and interactive online or in-house training is tailored according to
clients requirements and suitable for businesses, organisations and the Education, Health and Social sectors.
Personal Safety Training
Risks Working - identify potential risks and preventative measures required to eliminate, mitigate or manage.
Out & About - working in the community, avoiding assault from a stranger, robbery, being followed, spiked drinks.
Travelling - road rage, safe taxis, breaking down, bad weather, being followed and public transport.
Personal Safety Alarms & Apps - types available, functions and how to use them.
Mugged or Attacked - how to prevent and what action to take in the event of an incident.
Incidents & Reporting - reporting, recording, investigating, sharing and preventing a repeat.
Lone Worker Training
Lone Working Risks - identify risks when lone working or travelling alone and action to avoid, reduce or manage.
Working In Other Premises Or People's Homes - strategies to prevent incidents and exit quickly.
1-2-1 Meetings - how to stay safe and raise an alert if needed.
Lone Worker Devices and Personal Safety Alarms/Apps - types available, functions and how to use them.
Incidents - reporting, recording, investigating, sharing and minimising repeats.
Lone Working and the Law - understand Employee and Employer responsibilities.
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